
Electric control panels CLE

The CLE boards are pre-wired tested and ready to be installed on board, they are used to manage the solenoid valves, the pumps and the various control inputs. They range from the simplest to those equipped with an electronic controller (PLC).
The versions managed by PLC equipped with the basic software allows you to assign to each individual function the speed and maximum working pressure, the ability to manage up to two power sources and the ability to interface with the external touch screen.
All information can be displayed in real time on the touch-screen.

On the touch screen all the operating parameters can be setted or modified by assigning to each maneuver its operating mode and the related safety working limits.
Obviously it is possible to customize the hardware and related software for any specific request or need.


Tecnical Data

CLE-017 Way PLC control box 315230127
CLE-0212 Way PLC control box 315230127
CLE-TS77” color touch screen 800×480 TFT-LCD 2001468

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